[google3d562aa7713f5938.html] Brain Health Coaching | Harmonized Brain Centers
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Why Brain Health Coaching!

At Harmonized Brain Centers our Brain Health Specialist have a passion to help people balance their brain by using an advanced application of LENS Neurofeedback  (Low Energy Neurofeedback System), our 3-pronged approach to wellness and our coaching and education.  We believe everyone is uniquely and divinely created; however, because of physical and emotional injury and adverse environmental conditions a person's brain can become disorganized, dysfunctional and work inefficiently.  Sometimes this brain dysfunction can be diagnosed as PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury, Depression, Brain Fog, ADD/ADHD, Anxiety, Chronic Pain, Insomnia, Learning Disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Sleep Disorders and many others.  We are not as concerned with a diagnosis as we are concerned with treating the underlying functional problem. 


Because the healing journey should not be a by-yourself adventure, we also add a warm comfortable environment to educate and to help guide (coach) our clients with practical, common sense and well-researched advice to come along side on their road to a harmonized life.  Although we are not licensed counselors, psychologist, therapist or the like, we work with and along side many other licensed professionals to enhance our clients' progress.  


Our ultimate goal is empowering our clients to live brain-healthy, productive and fulfilled lives.  Please contact one of our offices to see how we can help you.



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