What Are the Benefits of Low Level Light Therapy?
We hear it often: too much sun exposure is harmful to your body and can cause detrimental health effects and this is true. One of the reasons is due to how powerful light energy can be. But in a low, controlled setting, light exposure, or low-level light therapy (LLLT), is not only beneficial to your health, but has been proven to mitigate pain and inflammation and promote cell function and healing.
Unlike high intensity light or laser exposure, LLLT does not burn your skin as it heals, but simply allows your mitochondria (energy factory in each of your cells) to absorb the light and turn it into cellular energy, allowing it to heal itself.

Beyond Skin Deep

Low Level Light Therapy and “Cold Laser Therapy”, are basically the same. LLLT is an effective treatment against chronic, acute injuries and brain neural stimulation. Concussions, traumatic brain injuries , arthritis pain, tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia pain, as well as back, neck, and knee pain are just some of conditions that can be treated with this type of therapy.
A major use for LLLT is its ability to help people who have suffered from sports injuries, car accidents and much more. The reason LLLT is so popular is due to its efficacy in relieving pain and accelerating the speed of recovery without any down time.
​Helps Your Body Heal Itself Without Medication
One of the reasons LLLT is considered alternative medicine is that it has produced results without the use of medication. If you’re sensitive or allergic to harsh medications, LLLT is a wonderful alternative that is safe, natural, and effective. The low-level light stimulates your body’s own healing process without the risk of burning.
At the Harmonized Brain Centers we use an integrated and non-invasive approach to helping our clients heal and perform at their optimum level. Low Light Light Therapy is just one of our therapies that we stack to maximize your brain health and wellness. We want to help you achieve your BEST BRAIN EVER.