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How to Read a LENS Neurofeedback Brain Map

Writer's picture: Dallas ShepardDallas Shepard

LENS (Low Energy Neurofeedback Systems) Maps give us a good indication of how a clients brain is functioning as measured in microvolts (energy) and frequency (cycles per seconds) as we overlay these measurements on the 21 functional areas of the brain. LENS maps give us an idea of how a brain is functioning but when three to four maps are laid out side by side the trends indicate how the brain is processing and functioning especially when we see physical, emotional, cognitive/intellectual, spiritual and behavioral changes take place. Another measurement we watch is the suppression (flexibility) in each of the 21 functional areas. In short, suppression is our brain’s ability to process and transition between the never ending amount of information our brain takes in on a moment to moment and daily basis. Flexibility (suppression) within a healthy range allows our brains to receive, process and direct our brain functions to their optimal level.

A Standard LENS map is broken down into three different sections: Mean Total Amplitude (average of all information collected), A Mean Dominant Frequency (the frequency LENS identifies, mimics and feedbacks to the brain) and the final section is a breakdown of the Delta, Theta, Alpha and Beta (low, medium and high) brain waves. Primarily we focus on the first two sections of the Mean Total Amplitude and Mean Dominant Frequency maps as shown below.

Standard Map:

The maps display the 21 functional sites that correspond to specific areas of the brain, shown on the maps across the bottom of the graph (P4, O1, P3, OZ etc.) The order is different for each client and different between Mean Total Amplitude and Mean Dominant Frequency.

Mean Total Amplitude Graph The Mean Total Amplitude is the average of all the information that we collected during a site placement and run. Each bar represents the average of the Delta, Theta, Alpha and Beta waves combined. The first thing we look at is the scale as measured in microvolts (MV) and we want the scale to go up to 35 MV± with a slope from low to high on this graph. The second factor we look at is the difference between the light blue and black on each bar. The black is the energy in each site while the light blue is the suppression (flexibility) in each site. Ideally we want .35 to .70% light blue to black. The smaller the light blue portion means there is less flexibility in that specific brain site translating into the brain having to work harder and is often more reactive.

Mean Dominant Frequency Graph The Mean Dominant Frequency is the second map as shown above representing and isolating the dominant frequency for each particular site. We identify, mimic and then send the dominant frequency back to the brain with an offset (the uniqueness of our neurofeedback system). This graph is measured in Frequency (cycles per second) broken down into different groups called Delta (.05-4Hz), Theta (4-8Hz) Alpha (8-12Hz) and Beta (12-42Hz). Each of these brainwave groups has different functionality associated with it. Delta is attributed to deep sleep, Theta is associated with dream state, creative state and subconscious state, Alpha is associated with meditation and being awake but not engaged while Beta waves are associated with engagement, activity and higher beta correlates to flight, freight or freeze mode. In essence we overlay the brainwaves on top of the functional areas to derive our LENS Maps. The heat map display on the left of the Mean Dominant Frequency actually is a picture of the 21 functional areas and we can see the activity level to the particular site.

Suppression Map:

The suppression map is the same information as the standard map but just displayed differently. We want from .35% to .70% light blue to black which correlates to the blue on this suppression map which is the optimal level. The orange color (below .35%) represents sites that are hyper-suppressed, or working harder to perform their corresponding functions. The pink (above .70%) is hypo-suppressed which is higher than the optimal. In other words, orange sites are ‘stuck’, pink sites have more flexibility than needed and blue sites are in their optimal range. In general terms we want more blue sites and less orange sites with all the orange moving up on our scale.

From a LENS Mapping perspective we want to see the standard mean total amplitude map have a slope from 5± up to 35 MV with a decent amount of light blue to black and the mean Dominant Frequency with all the bars above 12 cycles per second (alpha wave and above) along with a healthy amount of light blue to black.

On the Suppression maps we want to see more blue sites with no orange site stuck below the .2 range.

The trends in three to four LENS Maps give us a good indication of how the brain is changing and functioning especially when we couple that with the physical, emotional, behavioral, spiritual and cognitive/intellectual improvements in your life. Our brains control every aspect of our lives and our passion is to help you create the optimal environment so you can achieve your BEST BRAIN EVER!

We Believe:

A Harmonized Brain Equals A Harmonized Life

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